I like Cemeteries, not in a weird or spooky way, I like the serenity and peacefulness of the majority. They also remind me to be grateful, grateful I’m still just a visitor and not a resident there, but also I’m mindful of the lives of those folks that are now out-of-mind with the passing of time. We don’t think enough about the folks who were farmers, teachers, soldiers, laborers, etc. which helped form the amazing civilization we have today.
I get to ride on paved, straight roads (well, mostly), I get to purchase a new bicycle easily at a store or online and I can get accessories to make that experience safer and more enjoyable. So many little things we take for granted today which someone in our past had to build, support, or contribute to in order for us to make significant transactions from a device in our pocket. It’s amazing if you stop to think about it.
One big plus of riding the bike while my running injuries heal is I can expand my travels out in the open air. This morning I didn’t have any time-crunch pressure so I just ventured “wherever”. As I started out I thought about the cemetery just up the road, which helped me decide to ride to four different cemeteries which turned into a decent ride (see below).

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