Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
This morning (Nov 15) was our first significant snow. I’m estimating 1-2 inches was on the unclear roads in the country. I have forgotten how much additional work it is to run when each step is on loose snow!
Before the first mile was complete, I could feel the additional energy drain. I have had to break out my heavier winter gear the last few days due to the cold wind chill (as seen on the right). Today the temperature was in the upper 20’s with the wind in the upper teens making it a bit more bearable.
I wear layers of clothing always trying to get the proper temperature where I stay warm but not sweat excessively as to cause a chill as I deal with the wind changes. My outer layer is a lightweight coat I found at Farm and Fleet in the raincoat section. It is very water resistant and blocks the wind well. Today I had three layers under the coat and insulated wind pants, hat, gloves, and scarf. I stayed warm but a little too warm while running with the wind. I can unzip the coat about half-way down and close the gap using the velcro tabs thus allowing some airflow.
The first 4 miles it was still snowing and blowing from the North, but as I rounded the route West toward home, the snow had let up, and the rising sun was brightening the pathway. The strain from running with such poor traction had me drinking water by mile 5, which is unusual in such cool weather.
I was able to complete my 8+ miles at a slow pace, but it was a good workout, and I’m very grateful to be able to get out there and run even if the conditions are a little rough.
My feet were a little wet from the snow melt, but they weren’t too cold or uncomfortable.
Stay warm, run strong!
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