It finally happened… a knee injury I couldn’t run through. The first time in seven years of contiguous running where I had to stop. It was a blow I had no choice but to receive. However, I have a bike collecting dust that I’ve been saying I should get used to riding for exercise and now is my chance.
Tomorrow will be my 4th day riding the bike in the morning instead of my usual run and I think I like it. Shocker to all those cyclists out there. It is a lot easier on the knees and I sweat a lot less than running, but I get a good workout by keeping the pedals moving. The image below is from the ride this morning.

I have discovered I can get 18-19 miles in the same time I was running 8-9. I find the bike rather amusing though because in the first mile the bike feels light as a feather and the last few miles feel like it has flat tires and going up-hill against the wind. Sheesh! You really do notice small hills (heck, inclines too) a lot more on a bike.
Another difference from running is that I went from a pedestrian to a vehicle, albeit a man-powered light-weight vehicle. Still, the rules of the road are different, the speeds are faster, the height from the ground is greater, etc. I went out and purchased a helmet and light kit. Wow, lights for bikes have come a longways from the 70’s when I was a kid. These LED lights are bright and allow a standard on mode and a flashing option, for both the headlamp and rear.
The knee is getting better each day but I’m guessing it will be another week before I can attempt to run again and that’s okay now that I’m all into this bike thing. I still get to experience those beautiful morning sunrises and be out among the hardy green Midwestern fields breathing in that fresh air that makes you grateful for what you have. Keep on moving!